Air Source Heat Pump Soakaway slide 1
Air Source Heat Pump Soakaway  slide 1

Air Source Heat Pump Soakaway

The Air Source Heat Pump Soakaway is specifically engineered to manage the condensate produced during the defrost cycles of domestic-sized heat pumps. With condensate volumes typically double that of boilers, this soakaway efficiently handles 10-15 litres per hour, preventing hazards like frozen condensate on paths during colder months.

Key Features:

  • High Capacity: Designed to accommodate the increased condensate volume from air source heat pumps, managing up to 15 litres per hour.

  • Recycled Rubber Chippings: Complete with eco-friendly rubber chippings for efficient water dispersal and sustainability.

  • Easy Installation: Simple and straightforward to install, ensuring a hassle-free setup.

  • 32mm Inlet: Standard inlet size for convenient connection to your heat pump system.

  • Geo Textile Protection: Pre-bagged in geo textile material to prevent soil ingress, maintaining the integrity of the soakaway system.

  • Soil Compatibility: Not suitable for use in clay-based soils.

For effective condensate management and to reduce the risk of icy surfaces, contact JET PRESS today to learn more about our soakaway solutions.

Are you looking for further information, samples, CAD files or prices?

Please contact our customer service team or use the "Request Samples" button next to the product variations below.

Drawings and images are for reference only and should not be used for product specification. For new applications we recommend that you carry out assembly tests using samples supplied by us.

Product Variations

Code Description H Diameter
PUH019 Air Source Heat Pump Soakaway 400 400 Request Free Samples

All dimensions are mm unless specified.

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