Attaching Tools for Durable™ Snap Fasteners (press studs) and DOT® Fasteners
Our attaching tools for press studs and DOT® Fasteners are available to suit all levels of production depending on volume and application requirements.
We offer a Hand Tool Bed and Punch and M840 Snapmaster Tools for low volume applications and a Manual Foot Press for medium volume production. Automatic attaching machines for high volume attaching are also available on request.
Our tools are suitable for the following: Baby Durable™ Snap Fasteners, Durable™ Snap Fasteners, Pull-the-DOT® Fasteners, Common Sense® Turn Buttons and Lift-the-DOT® Fasteners.
We are very happy to advise on the best attaching tool for your needs. Contact us or call +44 1623 551 800.