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Click below to view the catalogue and access detailed technical information on our new range of Camloc Quick Release Fasteners.

Explore a comprehensive collection of vibration-resistant fasteners for effortless panel attachment and find the perfect solution for your needs

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Quick Release Fasteners

Camloc Quick Release Fasteners offer a reliable solution for secure panel attachment and easy removal.

With their versatile mechanisms, they provide hassle-free and vibration-resistant fastening, simplifying panel handling.

Toggle Latches

Camloc Tension Latches provide a versatile and reliable solution for securing machine and equipment parts that require frequent opening or removal.

Their adjustable design ensures secure fastening in various applications.


Camloc KEENSERTS® are robust solid inserts that reinforce existing threads or fix damaged or stripped threads, providing a reliable and secure solution.

With a variety of thread options, they are suitable for various applications.


Discover our comprehensive range of tooling options for installing KEENSERTS®  solid inserts. From convenient hand tools to portable cordless battery-powered tools, we provide easy and efficient installation solutions.

Achieve precise and effortless installation with our reliable tooling options.

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Fill out the form and our knowledgeable team members will promptly reach out to help you find your solution.