Robson & Jerome were in the charts, Julie Goodyear left Corrie and Cheryl Joined JET PRESS.

October 1995 is when Cheryl Haines joined JET PRESS. She is now at the heart of the Marketing Department, but she joined us way back then as a receptionist.

“I was working at Barker Insurance Brokers in Sutton for 5 years when I saw the advert for a receptionist at JET PRESS and thought I could do that. No one shouting at me because their claim is taking a while to be settled or their premiums have gone up.

I thought being a receptionist would be a piece of cake. But the type of switchboard we had meant that most of the time I had 4 or 5 people on hold whilst talking to another customer. I had to keep a note of who was on line 1, 2 etc. and remember to cross them off and put the correct customer when they rang in. On top of this only being a “young un” I didn’t have a clue what towns were in which county so I had to learn about towns and counties. This serves me well now when I’m doing a quiz and a county question comes up.”

Cheryl knew from the very start that she had made the right choice.

“My first day was great, I was working with some lovely people who I’m still friends with 25 years later. JET PRESS seemed a great company they took me out for lunch to welcome me to the company which was a nice gesture. When it was reception and Admin ladies birthdays Ian used to give us a bit of money to treat ourselves to a drink, what manager does that! I was 21 and could borrow Ian’s company car a Subaru, I was in my element.”

A lot has changed during the time Cheryl has been with us. She started as a receptionist then progressed through the Admin Department until she joined the Marketing Department in 2007. But some things are just the same.

“A memory from the early days that I will never forget is Diane Gill always correcting me on how I pronounced the letter H.  To this day nothing has changed.”

We all look forward to Cheryl working with us for many more years to come.