A New T-Nut Insertion Handtool

A New Handtool for Furniture Makers

We have researched the market and can now offer a brand new T-Nut Insertion Handtool.

This is a very useful bit of kit for furniture makers. It’s an easy to use tool that quickly and easily inserts T-Nuts into wood and plastic. The ergonomic design helps to make it nice to handle and the rubber grip is comfortable to hold. It’s powered by compressed air. And it only weighs 3.07kg. Of course, because it's hand held you can move around the item you are working on.

The angled track means this tool is suitable for use on convex and concave curved surfaces and where you need to get into small spaces. The track contains a strip of 13 Tee Nuts. The long serrated prongs provide maximum grip.

You can use M6-M10 diameter T-Nuts from 12-15mm length. These T-Nuts are made from Heavy Gauge steel for thread configuration. You can use T-Nuts for sofa frames, beds, headboards, shop fittings, office furniture and a wide range of domestic furniture items.

Handtool v hammer

Our customers buy T-Nut Insertion Handtools because it makes business sense. Compared with hammering T-Nuts in by hand, the T-Nut Insertion Handtool is usually much faster. A single operative can accurately insert far more T-Nuts per hour. The use of Strip Feed Pronged T-Nuts makes the process even quicker. Each cycle uses just 2.428 litres (6 bar) of air.

Using the T-Nut Insertion Tool will give you more consistent results. It’s also easier to insert the bolt once the T-Nut is in place. The result – fewer costly errors.

If you are interested in the new T-Nut Insertion Handtool or think we could help with your project get in touch with with JET PRESS team. Please call +44 1623 551 800 email webenquiries@jetpress.com or contact us online.