Medical Applications for Accuride Drawer Slides

Our customers use Accuride Drawer Slides for a wide range of Medical Applications

Accuride Drawer Slides come in a wide range of sizes, types and materials with multiple features vital for Medical Applications. Many are available in Aluminium and Stainless Steel for hygienic environments. If you are working on a time-critical project data sheets and CAD files can be downloaded from the JET PRESS web site. This may help you to shave time off the design process.

Many Heavy Duty Accuride Drawer Slides have load ratings over 100kg. The Accuride aluminium DA 4140 is rated 600kg for 5,000 cycles or 400kg for 10,000 cycles.

The Accuride 3832 Drawer Slide series has been the most popular Accuride product for several decades. You can specify the 3832 with many of the features below.


Features valuable in Medical Applications

Here is a list of the Accuride features that have benefits proven to be valuable in Medical Applications. The same slide can incorporate several features. You can always contact our team for further expert advice.


Push To Open

When you push the draw front it opens. Because there is no handle it is more sanitary. You can use them on Medical Applications like Portable workstations and Bedside Cabinets.


Two Way

A Two-way Drawer Slide allows you to open the drawer from either side of a cabinet, or even from adjoining rooms. You can make use of this feature in Portable Work Stations and Bedside Cabinets.



Designers make use of them in a new Anaerobic Work Station design where a drawer moves from the interlock where the oxygen is removed and then back to the workstation. In the pharmaceutical industry Accuride Two Way Slides like the 2002 Two-Way Slides are used to move items from one manufacturing environment to another. Dispensing pharmacies also use Accuride Two Way Drawer Slides to move drugs from where the pharmacist is working to the counter area.


Soft Close

This feature is particularly valuable when the contents of the drawer are fragile, like glass vials used in Medical Applications. The Soft Close prevents the drawer from slamming shut.



Self Close


To ensure that drawers close completely even if users do not push them fully shut, specify Self Close . This is a safety feature in busy environments like A&E and Intensive Care.



Front Disconnect

In very hygienic environments it can be useful to remove drawers for cleaning. Accuride Front Disconnect Drawer Slides allow you to do this.



Full extension

In areas like Operating Theatres and Intensive Care Units it’s vital that staff can access medical instruments quickly and easily. You can’t afford to have vital items lost at the back of the drawer. An Accuride Full Extension Drawer Slide ensures that never happens.


Anti-Tilt and Interlock Drawer Slide

There is a risk that opening more than one full extension drawer could make a Portable Workstation unstable. This would put both patients and staff at risk. The Accuride Anti-Tilt and Interlock Drawer Slide ensures only one drawer at a time can be opened.


Hold out

If you want the drawer to stay open, for instance, if you are using medical instruments or dispensing drugs from the drawer, the Hold Out feature is what you need.




You can specify Accuride Drawer slides like the Accuride 0204 with Lock-Out. In a flight case or emergency vehicle, you may need to lock a wide drawer in or out. The Accuride DBHAND handle can provide Lock-In only or Lock-In and Lock-Out with a single central control.



Slide and Tilt

In circumstances where drawers are at height, you can use Accuride Slide and Tilt Drawer slides. These allow large drawers with heavy contents to be easily and safely accessed by the user, such as fire crews accessing equipment at the scene of an emergency.



Flat mounting

In some applications, it may be better to have the slides beneath the drawer rather than at the sides. This is possible with most of the Accuride Drawer Slides available from Jet Press. Note that this will reduce the load capacity significantly. The load capacity for the slides when flat-mounted is indicated on the website.


Extra Heavy-Duty Drawer Slides

Accuride Drawer Slides are not just for drawers. You can use them for doors. When the NHS commissioned the building of the brand new Alder Hey in the Park Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, they carried out their biggest-ever public consultation to find out what families wanted. The kids wanted rooms that were like home, would let them get out into the park and let lots of light and fresh air in.

The solution was large, double-glazed doors. They had to be very safe and robust, with integrated blinds for privacy, so each door ended up weighing up to 180kg. But small children have to open and close them, which means a low movement force is essential.

Accuride engineers worked closely with the door manufacturers to come up with a friction reducing solution using recirculating ball carriages. It’s so effective that the 180kg doors require less than 20N movement force. Dampers have been fitted to avoid slamming when opening or closing.



More than 200 door sets of various configurations have been installed and everyone is very happy with the results. Especially the kids

Struggling to select the right drawer slide? Read our guide on How to choose the correct drawer slide for help and guidance.

For help with selecting the best Accuride Drawer Slide for your Medical Application please contact our team of experts on +44 1623 551 800 or contact us by email. We are very happy to do our bit to help.